DeSanti & Linden Dentistry

How Dental Implants Have Revolutionized Treatment For Tooth Loss

dental implants AlbanyJust a few decades ago, patients who lost a tooth or multiple teeth had to settle for restorations that didn’t fully replicate their biological teeth, such as fixed dental bridges or conventional dentures. Such prosthetics lacked structures to replace the roots of missing teeth, and those tooth replacements failed to function as effectively as biological teeth. Fortunately, modern dental technology has vastly improved on treatments for tooth loss. Dental implants replace both the root and crown structures of the missing tooth, and patients gain numerous benefits when they choose this treatment method.

How Dental Implants Work

Dental implants are small cylinders made of titanium. Because titanium is a biocompatible material, the surrounding bone tissue in the jaw can fuse with it over the course of several months after an implant dentist places the implant in your jaw. That process, known as osseointegration, leaves the dental implant as a fixture in your jaw and allows the implant to function similarly to the root of a biological tooth.

As long as the patient has sufficient bone tissue to support osseointegration, dental implants can be used in a variety of tooth loss scenarios. Single crowns, dental bridges and complete dentures all can be supported by dental implants. Regardless of the number of teeth you need to replace, you should consult with an implant dentist to learn about your treatment options.

Benefits Of A Structurally Complete Tooth Replacement

When patients choose dental implants as a solution for tooth loss, they gain a number of advantages in comparison to conventional restorations, including the following:

There are many more benefits associated with dental implants as well, so be sure to discuss this aspect of treatment with your provider during your consultation.

Dental implants have dramatically improved patient outcomes following tooth loss. To learn more about this innovative and revolutionary treatment option, schedule a consultation with our team at DeSanti & Linden Dentistry.

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