DeSanti & Linden Dentistry

Gum Recontouring & Soft Tissue Laser: Everything You Need to Know

Woman sitting back in a dental chair. The dentist is holding and exam mirror near her faceDo you know how far your gums extend onto the surface of your teeth? Are they even across all your teeth, or do they extend further over some teeth more than others? If you’ve noticed your gums prevent the full splendor of your smile from showing, you may be interested in gum recontouring—it’s a cosmetic procedure that reshapes your smile! And you don’t have to look any further than your favorite Albany, NY dentist.

What Is Gum Recontouring?

Gum recontouring is the process by which gums are reshaped. This is a welcome procedure for patients who have gums that extend too far into the surface of their teeth. When the gums are too far-reaching, patients develop a “gummy” smile. To improve your smile’s overall appearance and health, gum recontouring may be of benefit to you.

Surgical reshaping of your gum line removes gum tissues and reveals a broader, more even smile. You may be interested in this procedure solely for cosmetic reasons or have an underlying medical issue that can be resolved with gum recontouring. Either way, working with a dentist in Albany can help you understand your unique needs.

Why Would You Need Gum Recontouring?

If you notice that your teeth are irregularly shaped, gum recontouring can help uncover your naturally healthy smile. Plus, it helps to improve your regular hygiene practices! And since it can increase the total surface area of your teeth by removing excess gum tissue, it’s also an ideal solution for patients who require dental restoration, like a crown.

There is a myriad of other situations in which gum recontouring could benefit you. If you have gum disease or experience gum recession, this procedure can prevent further deterioration. If this procedure is completed for medical reasons, you could save yourself on future dental costs by being proactive. And if you’re seeking the procedure for cosmetic reasons, you can walk out of our office the same day with boosted confidence. 

What Is Soft Tissue Laser?

Most patients aren’t fans of scalpels, and we don’t blame them. Thankfully, gum recontouring is achieved with the use of a soft tissue laser. This minimally invasive tool can be hyper-focused to remove excess gum tissue swiftly and easily. It uses a laser beam to gently reshape your gum line and achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing smile.


Learn more about soft tissue laser treatment and how it can help a variety of different soft tissue conditions. 


Content found on this blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional judgement, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please speak with a professional if you have concerns about your oral health.

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