Get a Good Start on Your New Year’s Resolution to Maintain Oral Health

Maintaining good oral health takes some work. You should invest in a meticulous oral hygiene regimen, eat nutrient-dense foods, and visit your family dentist for routine checkups and cleanings. If you have made a New Year’s resolution to improve your oral health, consider the following tips. Practice Thorough Oral Hygiene Your daily oral hygiene routine…


Treatment Options For TMJ Disorder

The term TMJ (which stands for temporomandibular joint) disorder encompasses a collection of jaw issues that cause symptoms like pain and locking of the jaw. Fortunately, patients don’t need to suffer endlessly due to this condition. Effective TMJ disorder treatment is available, and the condition can often be addressed with conservative interventions. Patients who suspect…


How Dental Implants Have Revolutionized Treatment For Tooth Loss

Just a few decades ago, patients who lost a tooth or multiple teeth had to settle for restorations that didn’t fully replicate their biological teeth, such as fixed dental bridges or conventional dentures. Such prosthetics lacked structures to replace the roots of missing teeth, and those tooth replacements failed to function as effectively as biological…
